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Project Five, Reperformance: Fuck you Rich Suckers Give Me Your Money


First performed by G. H. Hovagimyan in 1970's in Chant Acapella
I've reperformed this piece with a few thoughts from my personal life in mind. I am from Aspen Colorado, A well known resort town. In the words of Dumb and Dumber

Lloyd: Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I’m talking about a little place called Aspen.
Harry: I don’t know Lloyd, the French are assholes.

It is a weird place, A place where 2/3rds of the houses are empty but for three weeks a year, and cost anywhere between 1 million and 40 millions dollars. Bounded by mountains, it is a place of beauty, a place of mixed seclusion and cosmopolitan culture as the world knocks politely to get in. I grew up in aspen, and experienced some fabulous excesses of wealth, and blatant showing of privileged and "taking shit for grantedness" in my peers, and eventually my self. 
 Aspen is not easy to live in for folks, money wise. yet folks love to make due. chasing rent, working to ski, skiing to live. aspen is a place where affluence and accessibility come hand in hand, and 7500 people live year around in a place that people call a winter wonderland, or a celebrity playground. but to me it's home. I wanted to explore being mad, real mad at the rich in my city. The advantaged, those who are happy to pay housing taxes in aspen for their fifth house, but would balk from increasing the minimum raise. Their money is what keeps my town alive and pumping, And Working for them can be anywhere from pleasant to shitty, they are just humans after all. For all my privileged of living in aspen, with parents relatively well off and a school system that had the resources to support me, I feel lacking. in resources, In ability to survive in my own home town. I explored this feeling, let my self experience the anger and rage,

But i'm tabling it, Or at least putting it aside. I am not disadvantaged. I have privileged out the wazoo, and though i'm glad I experienced my anger and let it be Valid in and of themselves, I want to use this Piece to push me farther into understanding my place in the conversation on poverty and economic disparity.. My place is to fight for worker's rights, and fight to protect living wages, and to stand aside on the stage, and let those who's lives have been utterly shaped by Financial Inequality, My story is not the spotlight, should not be the spotlight. I think I'm using this piece to understand where my voice is most powerful, most honest. I will not appropriate this stage for my self, when Cities like flint are drowned in poison water, Stripped of services and of their future.



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